Contentment Faith Reflections Society

The Power of The Universe

In the past, when I was an ardent atheist, I regularly uttered the phrase ‘I believe in the power of The Universe.’ I look back on this now with new eyes and realise this declaration is an act of faith. Yet if you had asked me “do you believe in a ‘higher power?’” I would have scoffed at such foolishness.

This is a pretty common pattern of thinking in modern life, yet it is entirely incongruent. How can you believe the universe will provide you with what you need, and reward those who act well, and not believe it’s some kind of higher power?

But believe this I did. It was lost on me was that it was the definition of a religious belief. After all, there is no rational reason for The Universe to have any impact on our daily lives. Now I’ve had a religious ‘awakening’ (for want of a better word) I realise that unconsciously I was always religious, but in denial. Statements such as this showcase that.

And honestly, I think this is the case for many people. Astrology, Numerology, The Chinese Zodiac, The Power of The Universe, Karma… the list goes on. All of these are religious beliefs practiced by people who sneer at the idea of believing in God, without ever comprehending the hypocrisy of their position.


In a previous article, I claimed that faith is an essential for the human condition. I haven’t changed on this point; however one thing I got wrong is that all of these are created equal. Whilst many hold similar weight, others do not.

I prefer the tenets of Christianity, but would argue all the ‘major’ religions are similar in that they have standards of practice which must be adhered to. I believe this is essential to societal cohesion and a true understanding of the power of God.

Note, that when I’m talking of God here I’m discussing any ‘cosmic power’ which is unexplainable and requires belief for its power to manifest. So The Universe, Karma etc are all going to be put under the catch all of God – for that’s what I believe they really are.

However, the problem with these uncodified forms of faith is the lack of reflection and responsibility accompanying a belief in them. For me, it’s a cheap and easy system which provides more of a soundbite, and a shrugging of the shoulders, rather than a deep introspective experience which guides your behaviour in times of struggle.

Now, this may be as a result of my prejudices as I believe everyone has a duty to be intensely reflective and introspective; to deep dive on the beliefs they hold and the character they display. Prayer and meditating on scripture are a powerful tool for this as they provide challenging alternatives to what you already understand; alternatives developed over millennia and strong enough to stand the test of time.

‘The Universe will provide’ just doesn’t hold the same weight.

Real Talk

That said, this isn’t to sneer at those who believe this. Our environment heavily shapes us (although we aren’t entirely determined by it) and we live in a degraded and degenerate time where thinking in a religious manner is belittled. Consequently, it’s unsurprising many act this way.

These people unconsciously feel the necessity of faith, but do not connect the dots. My hope is they wake up to a religious experience – as I did.

Life is brighter as a result, and ultimately I want everyone to have a better life through a better understanding of the world.

As a result, the wider culture will improve and an essential bulwark against dark forces which course through the Western world will be re-established.

Anyway, that’s all for today; this was a short reflection rather than an intense deep-dive. I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.

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