Narrative Sex Society

Feminism: Mass Sexual Grooming

All societies are premised on some kind of narrative; a story which works to push and promote certain factions’ power. Whether beliefs about equality in Stalinist Russia propping up a bureaucratic elite, or dehumanising ethnic groups prior to slavery’s abolishment in America, all cultures have these purposeful stories.

Where Western arrogance creeps in is seeing ours as different.

Much of our corner of Twitter’s discourse is – either consciously or unconsciously – railing against these narratives.

Fighting back against the endemic use of vegetable oils is a fight against food conglomerates maintaining their power – through wealth – by selling highly profitable, monocropped poison to the masses. Fighting against intersectionality is a fight against a liberal elite’s divide and rule tactics. Battling the narrative surrounding masculinity and femininity is to attack a concerted effort to weaken men, and exploit women.

Now, when hearing this, most shout: ‘conspiracy!’ hoping to tar those who talk of agendas as paranoid schizophrenics: people who see 1 + 1 and think it equals 3. And, honestly, there is some truth to this. Many of the more out-there theories are hokum.

But this doesn’t mean hidden agenda don’t exist – particularly when human nature and lust for power is taken into account.

The first mistake made when talking of pushed agendas and ‘elites’ is the belief they are one whole, cohesive unit. Through calculated over-simplification it appears ‘conspiracies’ can be easily debunked. Two different agendas compete, therefore everything must be random with no coherence; a chaotic society leading to bad outcomes.

This is wrong. Both believing all conspiracies are true, or all conspiracies are false is too convenient. The truth – as with all things – lies between these two extremes.

Different elite factions are all vying for power and dominance over each other, as well as the unwashed masses. Sometimes their goals overlap and an alliance of convenience is formed; the dog-eat-dog nature of their battle apparently suspended, whilst covertly continuing to be waged.

This accounts for the seeming disparities between opposing theories of agenda-pushing. Neither is necessarily untrue – they are simply the different focus of competing factions.

Each of these factions has specific goals they wish to achieve. For some it is purely the accumulation of power and wealth, others have an ideological, almost ‘religious’ – if you wish to bastardise the term – goal and others, too, just enjoy the game.

In reality the motive matters not, merely the outcomes.

But there is one particular issue which I want to tackle today, a modern narrative which is so firmly entrenched that to argue against it labels you a thought-criminal. Simple lists detailing its criticism lead to a concerted attack by ‘useful idiots’ who flock, unknowingly, to support an evil cabal.

What issue is this?

Well, it could only be Feminism and female empowerment.

Weaponised Narratives

Feminism is ideologically dogmatic; a belief system which attacks critiquing heretics with vile words, economic violence and politically charged attempts at cancellation. To speak against it labels you a Misogynist, a woman-hater; a fascist.

This extreme response to mild criticism raises questions. Whenever ideas have been so clearly weaponised we MUST look into the reasons why. Whose interests are most supported by this narrative? Who has the most to gain? Why?

The simple answer here is, of course, women. I mean, that makes sense, right? Women have been oppressed since the dawn of time by patriarchal men looking to enrich themselves through exploiting women as a slave-class of sub-human meat bodies of sexual pleasure.

This is the premise of Feminism’s lie.

Creating the feeling of victimisation amongst half the population was one of the great successes of the movement; convincing women that they are better off now than in the past a monumental feat of memetic power when considering, as this article will lay out, this empowerment has led to precisely what women wished to be saved from.

There are many areas which must be gone into detail here.

I will lay out the claims first, before moving into the bulk of the issue.

Honestly, I could write a book about this (indeed I may well do), but this is of such great importance that I feel it must be given freely first.

Men, your daughters are going to be exploited if not.

Women, this is your life which will be ruined.

Foundation of Feminism

The premise of Feminism lies in convincing women that men set up a patriarchal system purposefully to oppress them. This is a lie. Society set up a patriarchal system purposefully to protect women – in particular from sexual exploitation.

Let me detail this.

Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. Despite current narratives surrounding biological truths this is an undeniable fact. Simplest test, look around you. Women are smaller than men. They are less muscular, and physically weaker.

Zuby’s excellent video breaking the woman’s British record for deadlift served to highlight something which should be common sense, yet no-longer is.

One of the ironies of feminism is that it seeks to deny this, whilst being implicit within their narrative. After all, if men weren’t stronger than women they would not be able to take advantage and oppress them – right? Women could simply hold them off, and fight back?

But, women ARE vulnerable to men. This too is undeniable. Some men take advantage of women and, as a result, virtuous men set up a system to protect women from these bad actors. This is what is derogatorily described as the ‘patriarchy.’

After all, what kind of man wants his daughter to be exploited? His sister to be taken advantage of? His wife to be attacked? His mother to be oppressed?

Isn’t it far more likely that good men set about to fix this flaw of humanity?

The answer is, of course, yes.

And the solution was the patriarchy.

Of Predators and Power

But if we move back to the start, and the talk of powerful interests aligning, we can see a problem. Some men are not virtuous. They are inherently evil. And some of these men become powerful.

These powerful men want to shape the world for their own interests. They wish to be able to exploit women free from the consequences of a system set up by strong men for women’s protection. So they attempted to move the needle.

I am going to detail many of the ways this has happened, and you will see just how evil current societal trends are.

The premise behind my argument is culture informs what behaviour is acceptable. Whilst humans do have individual agency and can shape culture themselves, the extent of this power is moderated by our environment. Humans are particularly susceptible to being programmed by culture when we are children – something not irrelevant to this topic, but is a digression.

State schooling is the most obvious example of this, but the extent of cultural programming is far more insidious.

Predatory men have placed themselves in positions of power and have, over decades, weakened the protective systems set up by virtuous men, re-shaping culture into one which leaves women open to exploitation. Think of the cultural gatekeepers and stories we hear from the film, music and, more obviously, pornography industry.

These institutions have moulded women’s relationship with themselves, and men’s relationship to women.

The Spark of Change

The foundation of all this change was a scientific ‘advance’; the creation of the contraceptive Pill.

The irony is that the researchers who invented The Pill did so out of a good place. It was originally intended to help women struggling with infertility, but once researchers realised that progesterone and estrogen were merely mimicking the effects of pregnancy, it was co-opted as a birth control pill by the ideologically driven Feminist, Margaret Sanger. Without thinking about the possible effects of messing around with the hormones of her fellow women, she took up its cause. After all, The Pill fitted her dystopian vision of the world.

However, invention does not guarantee adoption. This hinges on public sentiment. As such, The Pill becoming widespread required a cultural shift. Those who have the power to change this, media moguls and cultural institutions, had to be brought on board. And this is where the issue gets iffy. I have no ‘hard’ evidence of this, beyond the obvious example of how society has changed, but it appears as if certain section of powerful interests aligned – drug companies for profits (a pill taken every day by half the population as standard?!), ideologically-driven Feminists and predatory, powerful men.

These men saw The Pill as opening up the path to women’s sexual exploitation.

So how does birth control leave women open to this exploitation?


Well, to understand this we have to look at traditions around sex, marriage and male/female dynamics. Historically, a woman’s chastity and purity was of the UTMOST value. Every marriage was intrinsically understood to be a ‘white wedding’ and, indeed, was contingent on this being the case. Why?

Simply put: paternity. Women know their child is theirs; men don’t. Chastity was the only way of getting around this. If a woman was a virgin prior to conceiving there can be no doubt of the paternity of the child. It is as a result of this that men are genetically sexually jealous. It’s coded within their DNA (one of the cultural trends associated with the movement is an attempt to deride jealousy as ‘toxic’ behaviour).

Fathers, too, jealously guarded their daughters as they implicitly understood the importance of this. There was no way they would let their daughters be open to exploitation by unscrupulous men, only interested in their own sexual gratification. They knew not only was this personally damaging for their daughters, it also degraded their chances of a high-quality match later. This would, in turn, hurt the genetic line of his family.

This is where the tradition of fathers vetting their daughters’ suitors prior to marriage derives. These men understood what is necessary for a relationship’s success. And because relationships are the foundation of family – and therefore society – functional relationships are essential for a functioning civilization.

Women who already carried child were of little value to a man. The economic drain of resources from a newlywed husband of his wife’s prior children – who did not carry his genetics – devalued a woman in the eyes of high-status men. It was thus absolutely imperative a father – see also uncle, brothers and other masculine family figures – prevented his daughter from carrying another man’s seed prior to marriage.

As an aside, I’ve heard arguments about virginity of a woman being essential to a relationship’s success. There is likely some psychological and epigenetic selection for this being ingrained within men and women because of the factors I’m describing. However, I’m just going to leave that idea here, and not explore it too deeply.

Incentivized Valour

The corollary of a woman’s chastity is it incentivized men to behave with good grace. It curbed the animalistic lusting which all men have the capacity for. Predatory men could not get high-value (read young and beautiful) women as society did not consider exploitative men high-status themselves. They would be ostracised by men of valour. Fathers would go to any lengths to prevent his daughter marrying them.

Men would instead be impelled to focus on becoming strong, characterful and protective. They would prioritise chivalry, benevolence and resource building skills. In turn, this would enable their ability to attract a high-status mate by impressing her father with his success and positive masculine behaviour.

Side-point: women who did not fit this perfect billing (virgin, beautiful, rich etc.) would not be considered worthless – they are just less high value than those who do. There would still be good men, who are not the elite, to take these women. The one-man to one-woman state of monogamy accounts for all levels of status, whilst encouraging both parties to prioritise their character and behaviour.

The advent of the contraceptive pill, however, destroyed millennia of culture born from our biological, evolutionary imperatives.

By preventing women from falling pregnant The Pill increased the value of sexually active, un-married women, as there was no-longer any risk, or visible damage, associated with pre-marital sex. The economic yoke of an unwanted pregnancy was removed. So far, so good – and this is where the feminist argument ends. By sexually liberating women, we are all freed from biological constraints. Huzzah!

Unfortunately, this is a purely surface-level take. No thought of the second-order effects of this cultural shift was given; no thought of the psychological damage; the hormonal imbalances, or the genetic reasons for chastity being optimal.

By encouraging all women to take hormonal contraceptives (and now even implanting menstrual disruptors inside women) it appears as if they no longer require men to protect them from the consequences of sexual promiscuity. Again, this sounds great until you realise that the dangers of degenerate behaviour are far greater than pregnancy.

Psychological and physical scarring takes place when a woman is sexually exploited by men with whom they have no connection. Feelings of shame, disgust and revulsion are internal responses to this behaviour. Women cannot claim society shames them for these behaviours when it actively encourages them. Anyone who takes even a cursory glance through social media platforms will see the prevalence of this shame through nihilistic, self-deprecating humour, the promotion of depressive memes and cognitive dissonance of the sexually promiscuous’ feed.

Yet we have a society which emboldens this behaviour, and in turn acts as cultural grooming.

This consequently liberates predatory behaviour – as I shall now explain.


But first, let’s quickly recap: previously men were encouraged to behave with good character and build themselves as individuals in order to attract a high-status woman. They did this in order to guarantee paternity and improve their own genetic line. In turn, this protected women from exploitation as their value lay in being ‘pure’.

It was upheld by fathers and masculine family figures who protected their daughters from unsatisfactory mates. Sequentially this safeguarded women from the mental and physical problems associated with promiscuity.

This is all based in our sexually dimorphic biology where men can both physically over-power, and mentally manipulate, women into forcing their lustful demands on them.

Patriarchal culture prevented this happening.

Modern culture enables it.

Let’s explore how.

Sexuality and Grooming

Modern cultural trends allow and even actively encourage men to take advantage of women with only one caveat – you cannot do it forcefully. This is still, currently, a bridge too far.

However, society encourages the sexual exploitation of women by promoting men to go to places where women get drunk and remove their inhibitions. Women are also encouraged to give their intimacy – unearned – to any man who can superficially convince her of his charm. One night stands are considered ‘true’ sexuality, and romantic intimacy is sneered at. This is pushed, subtly, throughout media, as we shall later discuss.

Muse on this: if a man were to ply alcohol on a woman with the express intent of taking advantage of her, we would consider this grooming. But if a woman chooses to put herself in that situation. If she chooses to drink out of her own free-will. If she believes this behaviour is empowering. If she is actively encouraged by culture and a man is merely placed to take advantage of these choices – then he is doing NOTHING WRONG.

And this is the end result of Feminism. Men empowered to sexually take advantage of women through a process of cultural grooming starting in youth, and continuing throughout a woman’s life.

This has been incepted over decades of change. Much like a frog jumps out of the pot when placed in boiling water, so too do humans repulse to extreme cultural changes. But over time we get softened up, eventually accepting what would have been shocking only a few decades ago.

And the Pill was only the start of this process. Whilst it makes women feel biologically comfortable with having random men wantonly spew their seed into them, there were still cultural and spiritual barriers to its acceptance.

So the influence of religion – a patriarchal force of protection – had to be degraded. You don’t have to look very far to see this is the case.

This issue in itself would be another treatise, so I’m going to skip past that here. I may write an essay on it in the future. Anyway, you all know it’s the case that religion has virtually no place in modern society.

What I’m going to focus on is the removal of cultural barriers to women’s sexual exploitation.

Auditory Media

The three areas I’m going to pay special attention to are music, film and pornography. Again, there are other sectors which warrant focus, but I’m already nearly at 3000 words here. This wasn’t meant to be a dissertation – although it’s only a literature review short of being one.

To start, let’s examine music.

Music is a great force for social change. The 1960s are the most pertinent example of this. Anti-war, free-love and communitarianism the message of the time. These ideas were galvanized amongst the youth through popular music. Personally, I believe this was the most damaging period in modern history – yet it’s uniquely looked at warmly due, in part, to the (undeniably) great music which frames the era. Indeed, to criticise the excessive liberalisation of this period is sacrosanct – always a warning sign.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you cannot criticize.”

Kevin Alfred Strom

At the same time as the Pill’s inception we had artists promoting sexual ‘liberation,’ drug-taking and anti-authoritarianism; a dangerous cocktail.

The values promoted during this period of Social Liberalism continue to shape our society today. Part of a wider-trend of politicisation – of schools, Universities and other cultural institutions – I believe the movement was co-opted by sexual predators. For example, one notable figure who ‘made his bones’ in this time, someone well-known for his sexual appetites, was Bill Clinton.

If you consider, too, the message of sexual liberation and positive views on drug-taking, you can see why predators would support and encourage this movement. Meditate on the tastes of Hell’s Angels and its ties with this crusade; they had a motive and here was a method for its achievement.

Music and culture was an effective mechanism of spreading and popularizing this message. And in doing so, the power of music in shaping perspectives was uncovered.

Fast forward to today. Listen to the music widely promoted and distributed in modernity; sexually explicit and openly degrading towards women. Bestial forms of sexuality are encouraged. No-longer do people sing sweet songs of love and coupling, but almost exclusively of sexual degeneracy.

Think too of the gatekeepers at record labels, and the reputation they have. These people are well-known to be predatory in their behaviour. Would they promote music which creates a culture of acceptability around the issue?

For me, the answer is of course, yes. And when you listen to modern ‘popular’ music this leaves little doubt in my mind.

Degenerate Programming


Second we have film. Here I am going to draw attention to the ‘Me Too’ movement and, in particular, to Harvey Weinstein. Previous to the spread of this hash tag, he was one of the most powerful people in Hollywood who used his position as ‘kingmaker’ to enable sexually predatory behaviour. Indeed, his name is on many of the best films of the last few decades. And don’t be fooled into believing he is alone in this. It’s an endemic problem in an industry of depraved, powerful men which young, beautiful women are desperate to get into.

The idea of a casting-couch shouldn’t be a new one to you, and the knowledge that Hollywood is home to sleazy behaviour is not exactly revolutionary (and let’s not get into the abuse of child actors… if you want to get a taste of that I recommend watching ‘An Open Secret’ – how’s Macauley Culkin doing these days?). The ‘Me Too’ movement was an acknowledgement of this, but entirely in keeping with the narcissistic tendencies of a Feminist elite, was only concerned with individual cases of exploitation in their field; not the wider culture (which they helped create, sustain and support) which grooms girls to be exploited by this type of behaviour.

For example, ‘Bad Moms’, ‘Rough Night’ and ‘Girls Trip’ are all female-centred films focussed almost entirely on consuming alcohol (if you want to look into the history of ‘Female Alcoholics’ within movies they all start in the 1960s, interesting when you consider the inception of Feminism, the Pill and other cultural trends this piece examines) and associated sexual misdemeanours. Unsurprisingly, this serves to normalise alcohol use amongst women, something which leaves them vulnerable to exploitation – particularly when a common trope of these films is alcohol leading to bad decisions; bad decisions which never end up having significant consequences.

Unfortunately, real-life isn’t a movie and in reality these actions do have real consequences. The effects of being sexually used, even when drunk and willing, ripple into a woman’s future.

And these are just some of the most obvious examples. Certain tropes of negative female behaviour are exhibited, less obviously, throughout the film industry.

Now, it is often argued that films – and indeed music – merely follow societal trends; and, yes, there is some truth to this. However, denying that media doesn’t influence people refutes ALL research done on the matter. In fact, mass-media portrayal of cultural trends creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It could also be argued the booze-fuelled movie is the result of profit-seeking alcohol companies. And, again, this may well be the case (see back to the start and powerful interests aligning; these two issues are not mutually exclusive), but consider how the media has treated cigarette usage compared with alcohol. Both have powerful, wealthy lobbies which can influence politics and media companies. One has been demonised, the other promoted – despite both being dangerous and harmful.

Why is this? Well, cigarettes don’t have the same power to groom young women into acting in a compromising manner.

I’m not a puritan. I’m not calling for alcohol to be illegal, but the promotion of particular cultural trends surrounding drinking (i.e for partying, rather than socialising) creates a dangerous set of values which leaves women unduly vulnerable to exploitation.

Yet this behaviour is actively promoted by the Liberal Feminist elite.

Cuckolding: A Case Study

Finally, porn. This shouldn’t require much abstract thinking to understand how it popularises the sexual exploitation of women. An interesting side-note is where most of porn is produced: Los Angeles AKA Hollywood.

Perhaps the result of overlapping goals amongst certain special interest groups?

Now, an argument given for pornography use is it caters to the desires already held within people. And, as with all things (note to self, find a new way of saying this), there is an element of truth to this statement. Some humans are sexually depraved and wish to engage in acts I personally could not stomach. But these people are the exception not the rule.

Porn, however, brings their degenerate desires to the masses, incepting a craving for animalistic lustfulness not previously present.

The most pertinent example of this is ‘cuckolding’. As a youngster, I used porn regularly as virtually every man of my generation did (I no longer watch it at all as, having matured, I understand it is an evil tool of evil men). There came a point where ‘cuckold’ porn came into existence. I don’t remember exactly when, but suddenly there were a few videos featuring the act where previously there was none.

Over time, it became more prevalent before eventually spreading beyond the realm of pornography and into mainstream parlance. An act which was purely the reserve of a minority of sexually-depraved humans has infected culture at large, with entire sub-reddits devoted to the topic (if you ever want to black-pill yourself go have a read through the stories of the human doormats engaging in this pathetic behaviour).

On these sub-reddits there are heinous examples of women allowing themselves to be sexually exploited by predatory men – and other ‘men’ apparently happy about to allow this abuse to occur to their partner. Despite appearances, you can always sense the dissonance held within the posters on these forums – they know what is happening is wrong, but have self-rationalised it as some kind of positive behaviour.

What has the spread of cuckolding to the mainstream done?

It has enabled a route for predatory men to gain access even to ‘taken’ women. Not content with exploiting single women, through the Pill and changing cultural norms around sexual liberation, cultural elites are opening up the ability to take advantage of ALL women, regardless of marital status.

The damage this does to relationships, for compatibility and for the raising of children is fundamentally destructive to a society built on monogamy; a form of relationship evolutionary required for raising a child effectively.

Our biology is being overridden by an evil cabal of predatory men hell-bent on exploiting women in whatever manner they can.

And the worst part? In some fucked up form of Stockholm Syndrome, women actively fight against the men attempting to protect them, choosing instead to support the groomers.

Male Weakness

Key to all of this is the weakening of men. Again, that’s a whole different topic for another time; but the feminisation of masculinity, endemic xenoestrogens and plummeting testosterone rates have created a generation of weaklings unable to fight back against true predators. Indeed, by depressing natural manhood, men have been memetically engineered into willingly allowing women’s exploitation like the pathetic pieces of shit they are.

Honestly, in some ways it’s not their fault. They are blinded by culture and corrupted by soy.

They are told not to eat meat; informed that jealousy is toxic and have had biological truths replaced by lies. They have been fed propaganda explaining men and women are no-different (the transgender movement can also be viewed in this light. By removing the physical differences between men and women it creates the illusion women don’t need men to protect them, whilst simultaneously creating yet ANOTHER avenue for women to be exploited by predators) and that any advice given to their wives and girlfriends is ‘controlling.’

It’s all an attempt to stop men enforcing a patriarchal system of protection, the force which prevents this societal grooming of women.

Your Future; Your Power

But what can you do to fight this? Well, men encourage your daughters to be chaste; be strong enough to resist the temptation of uncommitted sex; support women who desire a relationship with you, but wish to hold off from a sexually intimate one.

Have a family with these women who prove their restraint to you; teach your sons to respect women’s sexual celibacy; teach your daughters to respect a man who respects theirs.

Force your sons to focus on self-improvement, make them become worthy of gaining a high-status mate.

Have a large family – and defend their virtue by spreading these values to all of them.

Eat meat.

Lift weights.

Shine a light, and let all others bear witness to the power of a glorified, commitment-centric model of living.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

And rail against this degenerate culture.

Thanks for taking the time to read this monster of a piece.

If you enjoyed this, you’ll love “Weaponized Sex: Feminism’s Assault on Women my newly released book.

8 thoughts on “Feminism: Mass Sexual Grooming”

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