Contentment Diet Fitness Health Sex

Every G has High-T

Testosterone is something which gets a high-billing in the ‘Manosphere’ and honestly, for good reason. It’s absolutely essential to a man’s health, virility and confidence.

Yet the modern man’s average testosterone levels are falling, with guidelines even changing to reflect this decline. There have been many explanations given for this drop-off, including plastics in the food supply, exogenous oestrogen and poor dietary choices.

Whatever the reason, it’s absolutely essential that a man dial in his testosterone levels as best he can.

Why exactly?

Well, let’s take a look.


Beyond feelings of competition and self-esteem, testosterone levels are linked with all manner of health markers. So let’s go through 5 of them:

1. Sexual Health

Men with higher testosterone get stronger erections and are have a higher libido. They also produce more – and higher quality – sperm. All of this leads to lasting longer, greater satisfaction for the woman and, ultimately, a better sex life.

Men with low testosterone, however, have weak erections and can even suffer from the dreaded Erectile Dysfunction. Further to this, in the longer-term men with low-T get shrunken balls and produce less sperm.

These problems create a vicious cycle where the man is less likely to have sex and therefore suffer from a lack of confidence, leading to less sex, which contributes to further lower T levels, as sex stimulates testosterone production.

So for the sake of your sex life, you need to be optimising your testosterone levels.

2. Behaviour and the Central Nervous System (CNS)

Your testosterone levels actively contribute to your behaviour through its relation to the CNS. Your brain sends messages throughout the body using testosterone in the blood. This is why getting a blood-test is so important for measuring your T levels.

The level you have is particularly important for masculine behaviours – such as dominance, competitiveness and aggression. Not only this, but it’s intimately entwined with a man’s self-esteem.

Low testosterone levels leave men feeling sad, demotivated and unconfident, so if you regularly feel any of these emotions it’s essential you boost your testosterone.

3. Body Composition

Any man who wants confidence and sex appeal intrinsically knows he requires muscle mass. And guess what high muscle mass is correlated with?

You guessed it – high testosterone.

Beyond vanity (a noble goal) the health benefits of lean muscle mass are well documented. It’s tied with longevity and many other markers of good health.

But testosterone’s benefits aren’t limited to muscle. It’s also essential for bone density, too. The older you get, the more important this will be – fragile bones are a huge risk factor amongst the elderly, with breakages common amongst falls. Those who maintain their testosterone levels will be far less susceptible to this danger.

4. Blood

As mentioned, testosterone circulates through your blood. In doing so, it increases red-blood cell production which has a positive effect on the heart through increased oxygen. Highly oxygenated blood is good – particularly when engaged in intensive exercise.

5. Overall Men’s Health

When it comes to health, we have to view the body holistically. When we do so, the primacy of maintaining and optimizing testosterone levels becomes clear. The benefits course throughout a man’s body, touching all aspects of health.

Whether confidence – and therefore mental health – strength, sexual drive, body composition or behaviour, testosterone levels cannot be shrugged off as a meathead’s obsession.

But How Can We Increase It?

Obviously the simplest way is through Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). However, I’m not an advocate of extreme, modern medical procedures unless they are absolutely necessary. This is a subject I talk about often (within this article, for example). I believe that the human body is an incredibly complex organism which science has an understanding of, but not fully. Some processes are obvious to us (such as the importance of testosterone) but we cannot know exactly what second-order effects playing with the chemical balance of the body can cause.

As a result, I suggest following natural processes. This is my approach for diet and health; anything that has stood the test of time has been vetted stringently.

How Exactly?

The first thing to do is to start exercising. Strength training and weight lifting provide a whole-host of benefits – one of which is boosted testosterone.

The next thing to do is fix your diet. Eat high cholesterol foods and cut out toxic ingredients.

After this, remove plastics from your environment. BPA is a terrible endocrine disruptor which has huge effects on your overall T levels.

And finally, if you’re serious about optimizing your testosterone levels, I would recommend buying the Optimized Warrior Program.

I have this program and have been applying its knowledge to naturally boost my own testosterone levels. It’s a comprehensive guide which thoroughly goes through every detail required to turn from a Low-T Pussy to High-T G.

Plus if you use this (affiliate) link, you will receive a FREE strength training program to boot.

So what’s stopping you?

Unleash your potential; optimise your Testosterone today.

PS. The Optimized Warrior Program is a really comprehensive guide that covers every possible natural process to improve testosterone.

If your testosterone needs boosting, click here.

Thanks for Reading!

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