Contentment Review Self-Improvement Society

‘Economy of Truth: Practical Maxims and Reflections’ – A Review

“Maxims represent crisp, well-decorated, rhetorical, and seemingly universal rules which help us conduct ourselves in the world. They are compound ideas distilled into a few words. They do not exhaustively match the reality – but rather render it bearable.” – Vizi Andrei Maxims In this short paragraph from his book ‘Economy of Truth’ Vizi Andrei eloquently sums up maxims, their use and limitations, before proceeding to whimsically introduce these very same short, snappy heuristics in…

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Diet Fitness Self-Improvement

‘The Wolverine Program’ Report: Seeking Progress, Not Perfection

Two weeks ago I finished Alexander JA Cortes’ ‘Wolverine Program’. Here was me before: And a comparison shot immediately after finishing: And a better angle two weeks later: Whilst it’s not been some crazy transformation like we regularly see online, I’ve gained a lot of muscle and definition. I’m naturally skinny and I don’t look like some sculpted Greek God now, but you can see clear and obvious improvements in my shoulders and arms in…

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Contentment Health Self-Improvement

The Supreme Act of Creation

The Meaning of Life The question “what is the meaning of life?” has been asked for millennia. It’s something we’ve all contemplated during our existence. For me, it’s a perennial internal debate with the answer usually reflecting what I’m going through at that time. The desire for an answer stems from the hope there is more to life than the mere passage of time, before we are all united in death. As nihilistic as this…

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